General News

Changes and Improvements for 2022

We'd like to thank all our wonderful supporters and trustees for all the help, advice, support and generous donations you have provided over the past year or so.We'd especially like to thank Mr Bill Payne for steering us through the challenge of Covid and everything that brought with it. Bill has now resigned as Chairperson and he will be sorely missed. We do have a new Trustee; Rob Skuse who is as accustomed to the quirks of the Balmoral as Bill. One...
General News

The Diary of a Volunteer – April 2021

Volunteer Days have thankfully resumed, and progress continues apace. It’s wonderful to see so many of our volunteers returning and their assistance is invaluable in repairing some of the damage to the Balmoral caused by the forced closure of the ship due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
New Wire Warps
General News

The Diary of a Volunteer

Good progress in several areas continues to be made, with new wire warps being installed onboard the vessel. Throughout the ship stripping, varnishing and painting continues. Maintenance of rusty areas allows for their removal with new lengths being freshly welded.
General News

The Diary of a Volunteer

There has been good progress in several areas made by the volunteers this past week. Much aided by the fine weather. The main engines were run and checked, with cutting & welding the new bench brackets.